
Disappointing set of Andrea, not sure why.. maybe many of the pics could be pages from a mail order fashion catalog! It just kinda lacks 'oommph'. She needs to get down and dirty. It probably wont get anymore comments than this one, most people dont like her much anyway. Shame 'cos I reckon Andie's a little hottie.


I respect the "Blimey Guv'nor" for standing up for Andie Valentino against those nasty commenters who've posted negative comments about her over at Coolio's Babe Blog web site. It shows how much you like her, and I can relate to how you feel about her. Moneyshot, I salute you for defending a woman you so admire...because I know the feeling (I'm sure you're aware of my admiration for Jenni). I like Andie, too. But not nearly as much as you do, but I think she's really hot. She's just not one of my favorites. I hope Andie reads the comments at Coolio's, because if she does, she'll notice your positive comments about her. I'd like to see more and more nude models and porn stars contact their fans at nude model/porn star blog sites, like Coolio's to personally thank their fans for the nice things they say about them. It's a great feeling to know the object of your affection appreciates you, too. Believe me, I know from experience, I was contacted by Jenni a few weeks ago, she told me how much she appreciated my comments about her. I've been walking on clouds since that time, and I still haven't come down to earth, yet. And because of that splendid experience, I adore Jenni even more. I am more devoted to her! Moneyshot, I hope Ms. Valentino shows you that same appreciation. These gorgeous babes should never take their fans for granted.


Hey! tks Everett. So Jenni really contacted you? Thats really something! Shes a beautiful looking girl without a doubt. Is she from the Czech Republic? They're taking over, reckon its a brilliant marketing job by the Czech Tourist Board! Still, now they're in the EU I guess they have the right to get their kit off. Maybe Jenni'll send you a signed photo, just think of that! Well I aint gonna go on about AV cos I've said it all. But you know what I'm getting at, I mean I only had to mention Lindsay Lohan on Coolios and someone laid into her. Why? Whats the point? Maybe its just the difference between the guys on here, maybe some of them dont like girls in real life, they just look for negatives and list all the things they reckon arent good enough. I love girls, I love 'em on here and I love 'em in real life. These girls are models, but we both know if we go date a real girl we aint gonna expect her to get her tits out in PizzaHut after two minutes! And we'd both always treat them nice. Well, thats me done Everett. See you around no doubt. Tks again for your thoughts, they're much appreciated.


Hey Pmates, its been TWO MONTHS since Miss Valentino got a look in on here! Whats going on? I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms! Dont worry, the girlfriend wont find out! I WANT ANDIE ON HERE AND I WANT HER ON HERE RIGHT NOW!! (well next couple of days will do)

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