
Once upon a time, in a far off land, there was .. AWW FORGET IT. LETS JUST SHAG THE ASS OFF HER INSTEAD!!


nice looking girl and nice kind of sexy pics


Hey, sorry about that, I saw Katerina and had a kinda hormone surge... anyway Thomas is right, she's very pretty and the pics are great and at least have some imagination. Its true that and the end we've got her tied up with her own headband, and in the full set her knickers are kinda missin' and her pussy's on show... funny, I dont reckon that was in La Belle Au Bois Dormant. Unless the Prince didnt only give a kiss on the lips to wake her up... Hey, surely not! I mean he wouldnt have taken advantage of her, would he? Hmmmm...


Nice looking lady and a virgin I presume, - an ex-virgin......


ex virgin more likely. I could be all over them boobs, bit of a downer we dont see her kitty.

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