
Hey! A DOUBLE HELPING OF LENA! Two posts the same day. FTV now this lot, Well, I'm NOT complaining. This is the all glammed up gorgeous Lena; this is bra comin off Lena; this is yellow panties seductively slidin' down to her knees Lena; this is legs in the air 'Hey boys! Wanna see my ass?' Lena; this is 'You can peep at my pussy slot but its stayin' shut!' Lena: this is the Penthouse Lena; This is friggin' hot Lena; This is WHHOOAAHHH Lena!


I know this is an old post and the comment made by moneyshot is over three years old, but I gotta tell ya, he certainly knew what he was talkin' about! ;-)Right on, moneyshot. ;-)

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