
*** ITS BEAUTIFUL NADYA ***Are Nadya's legs REALLY that long? Yes, she's 5'9" and megahot. This is actually 'Out With The Old, In With The New', from December, one of Nadya's seven BIM sets, five of which are now on here. Nadya is around 20 from Ukraine, and she's done three MetArt sets as well where they called her 'Hope', as Thomas told us last time she was posted here.I really like Nadya, she looks a great model and she gorgeous looking with that long lean bod which still has lots of scrumptious curvy bits in the important places. (i.e. lovely tits etc). And that pretty, sensual face and beautiful eyes. Nadya gets a WOOOOOF!


nice looking model. Named Hope at met-art


haha wrote my comment before reading m.:s so I guess I repeted myself

c. b. estes

You are absolutely beautifull. Love you C. B.


Tks for the links guys, that should stop the two beautiful Body in Mind Nadyas from getting mixed up (they have different colour eyes!)


what do you mean m.? Same girl for sure


guess the matter is sorted out so...

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